
Showing posts from April, 2011

Gem Spot Tv Up & Running!!!!

Check out the new video!!!!! Much Love Darlings!!!

Movie Reviews! (Madea Big Happy Family & Scream 4!

What's my blogspot family miss y'all.  So much is going on with the family haven't had a chance to do what I love.  But, I'm back baby!  And, I am uploading a video to YouTube right now as we speak.  On to the review.  If you don't know now ya know. I give all movies 1 to 5 gems.  So here we go! Madea Big Happy Family All I have to say is hilarious!  This was one that I loved better as a play.  But, it was worth going to see. Bryan played by Bow Wow.  Was OK.  Just not an actor.  But, he still cried pretty well on cue.  My girl who played in Eve and B.A.P.S. played Tammy can't think of her first name but, I know its Deselle.  She is great as always.  And host of characters.  All have to say is I give this movie 3 gems for shear funny. Scream 4 Don't waste your dang on money.  That was some crap.  The best thing to me was they had the original cast.  I loved that! But, other then that ...

Today's Radio Show!!!

"Every Sat 3:30p-4p ct." Today guest was Author Frances Mosley, of A Love Unmatched.  She helped us weigh in on our subject "SEX".  We talked about the book signing which is 4/16 @ 4:30pm.  Cafe El Meson on 46th n Kedize in Chicago.  You can also book her and purchase advance copies as well.  It is also, available in spanish.  Check out the show: Listen to internet radio with mstraXthatgem on Blog Talk Radio   Thanks Diamonds & Gents.  Much Love Darlings!!!