
Showing posts from March, 2020

That Gem Enterprises LLC practices social distancing

“Get your Living The Diamond Life book on Amazon Or hit the shop TAB!” So it seems y’all are not taking this social distancing order, seriously.  Now listen Saf’fire Cast will be practicing social distancing. We will unfortunately not be able to hug and kiss you during the premiere party. But we will have our fun ways to do social distancing air hugs and 6 ft apart pics. So May 2020 you will be entertained. But during this social distancing order please take it serious. Take a look at our external policy on sanitizing and more. Again stay in so we can get outside my good people Coming in April a lot of promo and time to talk with the Saf’fire cast. You can still get tickets. New date will be announced shortly great happy and healthy day! Stay home, stay safe. Have Joy, Love and be Empowered!

Please Stay Safe and Healthy during this time! Updates

“Please get your Living The Diamond Life book today on Amazon or hit the Shop Tab!” Hello my #DiamondSquad during these trying times That Gem Enterprises LLC is still creating and doing business. We just are using much caution. So please read up on our External COVID-19 policy. It has its own Tab! Also, our upcoming event has been reschedule to April 19th we will be following social distancing as well as sanitizing and screening (If you’re sick we will have an alternative available) but, you won’t be admitted. We will have links available for you still catch #SaffireSeries. Again we are so grateful to all who have supported us during this. If you have any questions please contact us via email   We are staying up to date on the latest information. Get your tickets on Eventbrite Have Joy Love and be Empowered!”

That Gem Enterprises LLC presents Saf’fire Web Series Premiere Party (Date change)

“Get your That Gem Apparel by clicking on the Shop Tab!” What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! We have been ask to postpone the premiere Party to April 19th same place, same time.  Please be advised!!! If you bought tickets the event is April 19th not March 29th.  Due to a state ordinance by our governor.  We must postpone!  If you have any questions please email Also, you get tickets from Eventbrite Catch Saf’fire Cast Today! "Have Joy, Love and be Empowered!" That Gem Enterprises LLC is taking all necessary precautions we are staying abreast on the the current COVID-19. Our event is April 5th there will be hand Sanitizer available at all vendors tables and check in tables. Also, Clorox wipes available in the restrooms as well as check in table. Our team is fully aware CDC policy with staying healthy. I...

Diamond Talk #Aftershow #Freeliljames #Darealbbjudy

"Get your That Gem Apparel Today, Click Shop Tab!" What's going on #DiamondSquad if you missed tonight show go to but the #Aftershow was good. Check it out: Get your tickets to Saf'fire Premiere Party here: That Gem Enterprises LLC is taking all necessary precautions we are staying abreast on the the current COVID-19. Our event is March 29th there will be hand Sanitizer available at all vendors tables and check in tables. Also, Clorox wipes available in the restrooms as well as check in table. Our team is fully aware CDC policy with staying healthy. If anyone of us get sick. We will stay home to prevent the spread of said virus. We have a contingency plan if you become sick.

Reschedule Hustle Beautiful Podcast

“Get your That Gem Apparel by clicking the shop Tab!” Rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances Tune in at noon with our CEO she will be special guest on Hustle Beautiful with Ashley Love Check out this link in the meantime

That Gem Enterprises LLC is fully aware of COVID-19

“Get your Living The Diamond Life book today click the Shop Tab!”                                                                         For Release   Time March 11, 2020 That Gem Enterprises  Announces the Launch of  Saf’fire Web Series   and That Gem Apparel presents The Gem RoomCampaign Chicago— March 11,  2020     That Gem Enterprises  announces the release of   Saf’fire Web Series   and That Gem Apparel (Gem Room)Campaign  beginning March 28 th , 2020 . A launch party will commemorate the release of these items that will be available for immediate viewing and purchasing at said event. Saf’fire Web Series     Saf’fire Web Series   is part of  That Gem Enterpris...