
Showing posts from June, 2011

Speak Life! Part 2

"Next coming to the mic!" SPEAK LIFE! Wow! It gets better every time I go.  Well, Chicago is popping every quarter.  Spoken Word from Speak Life Project is just blowing young Christians in Chicago away.  This time that had PC4M Poet Jackie Hill.  My girl Christina Clair and many more!  Well If you haven't read my 1st blog about Speak Life let me explain.  Well, this is showcase of today's bright and talented poets.  That are dedicated to spreading the gospel through poetry. Let's not forget the worship is always good.  So If you want to come to the next one in you are in the Chicago land area plse message me via www.facebook/MsTraThatGemEnt .   I'll message you all the info. U will not be disappointed at all!  Don't forget to subscribe to Gem Spot TV via . All click follow on twitter and the radio show by going to and .  Trus...

Child They Tried to Machete Joss Stone

Poor baby.  Just don't know what to do Jesus.  Allegedly Joss Stone was about to get cut up Monday.  Honey let me tell you.  Allegedly two gentlemen were pulled over.   After circling around British singer neighborhood. On there way to kill and rob, poor little Joss Stone.  The police officers search there vehicle and to there surprise they found swords, body bag and rope.  The police ask them where they were handing.  These fools told the police they were on there way to rob and kill Joss Stone. Allegedly found pics and amongst other things that lead them to there target. So not only did these nuts have swords they had body bag too.  My Jesus!  So y'all were just gone cut her up and then carry her out in a body bag.  Well, I'm sure glad the police caught you creeps.  I am so sorry been trying to upload my videos.  But, I have 2 coming up.  They will be on Gem Spot TV.  That's for ...

Today's Radio Show!

"Every Saturday 3:30p-4p ct. on" This show we talked about The sermon of Dr. Creflo Dollar defending Bishop Eddie Long.  Song you hear is by Camille G. Brown sorry we had technical diffculties.  But, you can get her  cd .  Check out the show below: Listen to internet radio with mstraXthatgem on Blog Talk Radio   Much Love Darlings!!!

Does Dr. Creflo Dollar Defend Child Molester?

This week videos of Dr. Creflo Dollar have been circling the Internet.  In this video Dr. Creflo Dollar alleged that the act of Bishop Eddie Long is compared to one of having a car wreck (accident).  Where he states; Bishop Eddie Long is his friend.  He is going to heaven.  All members of New Birth that are amongst him and his congregation need to forgive him and go back.  He orders them and goes so far to say he does not want them. What do you think? I will have a video with my views on this video uploaded tonight.  Check it out on GEM SPOT T.V.  On . 11pm/ 10ct.  But, leave your comments.  Let me know what you think?  Much Love Darlings!!! picture courtesy of Dime Wars