Speak Life! Part 2
"Next coming to the mic!" SPEAK LIFE! Wow! It gets better every time I go. Well, Chicago is popping every quarter. Spoken Word from Speak Life Project is just blowing young Christians in Chicago away. This time that had PC4M Poet Jackie Hill. My girl Christina Clair and many more! Well If you haven't read my 1st blog about Speak Life let me explain. Well, this is showcase of today's bright and talented poets. That are dedicated to spreading the gospel through poetry. Let's not forget the worship is always good. So If you want to come to the next one in you are in the Chicago land area plse message me via www.facebook/MsTraThatGemEnt . I'll message you all the info. U will not be disappointed at all! Don't forget to subscribe to Gem Spot TV via www.youtube.com/MsTraThatgem . All click follow on twitter and the radio show by going to www.twitter.com/MsTraThatgem and www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem . Trus...