
Showing posts from October, 2010

This How We DO IT!!!

So its time for my celeb weigh in!!!  Music; right now I'm loving that cute song Ms. Willow Smith Got out "Whip My Hair".  Now Will Smith & Jada Pinkett-Smith I'm need y'all to tell that baby to grow the sides of her hair back.   She a little girl lol.  But, I'm loving that song.  It fits her.  Not to grown for her  age.   That's what's up!!! Now, y'all know Tina Knowles was on Ellen DeGeneres and put y'all right together darling! Her daughter Beyonce is not pregnant.  After, y'all have announced on t.v. and radio.  Check your source and the feet (they don't look like two pigs wrapped up in a blanket she ain't pregnant).  Speaking of babies CONGRATS 2 CRUCIAL KEYS-BEATS  On her little boy last Sunday.  I am so happy for You Alicia Keys-Beats lol.  Love you!!!!  Speaking of marriage Katy Perry went from kissing a girl and liking it to being all over the tabloids about her swe...

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

"The Secret to  Love That Lasts" This is a great book.  You know my scale of gems is from 1 to 5.  I give this 5 gems. Let's go into the 5 love languages.  1. Words of Affirmation, 2. Quality Time, 3. Receiving Gifts, 4. Acts of Service, 5. Physical Touch.  This book breaks it down and up.  For those who think you know your love language you might be like me and realize it is really something else.  Now, just because yours is one thing don't make your spouse love language the same thing.  So study your spouse.  What's there chief complaint?  What do they always do that you kind of over look?  9 times out of 10, that's there primary love language.  If you like my spouse I found out he bi-lingual.  He has 2 of the 5 its pretty easy to please him. But, whether you are male or female you have to get this book if you are married.  This book will help you love each other that much more.  This book comes in a sing...

Speak Life!!!!!

Next coming to the stage, SPEAK LIFE!!!! I was blown away this past Friday by this spoken word project called Speak Life.  This is an event hosted by a group of Christ- like poets who bring the truth.  It is so awesome.  There is something for everybody.  Testimonies, hope, love, inspiration and break through.  I don't want to mention there names.  Because, no permission.  But, you can find Speak Life Project on facebook. I tell you if you are dating someone and you want to find something to do on Friday night they do this project quarterly.  Check them out.  You will not be disappointed at all. To this one poet that touched me so deeply.  Character your poetry is such a testimony.  You told the truth.  Because of it I saw a breakthrough for you and others.  Those were just growing pains.  You will be a champion.  Love you my brother.  Much Love Darling!!!!

With all of me !!!! Mary Alessi I Worship You With All Of Me

Jesus the wages of sin is death!! But, in you Jesus I have been spared.  I acknowledge you.  Sin cost me something.  But in you,  the debt has been paid.  You are awesome and amazing.  In you I live and I breath.  I'll die for this gospel.  For this I am persuaded by this great gospel.  With all of me !!!!!!  Much Love Darling!!!!!

Wow!!! Is She Serious?

I have an issue with today's young women.  If I see one more butt in the air leaning in the car I swear for Jesus.  This makes no sense to me.  If a man want to talk to you that bad make him park his car and walk long side you.  Trust you are worth the chase.  Male servery is just died I see.  It was time brothers open doors.  Where trying practice there line to get the woman.  Now they just say anything to a woman. And if I hear one more tee tee laughing that is from a woman when a man call out B word I'm  a scream. It makes so much sense why Fantasia, Dr. Juanita Bynum and many others try to kill themselves after being misused by men.  Because, there is no value or respect in you.  You have to value you.  That's what it is.  Gotta be a whole you outside a man.  Gotta love you.  MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS COMING SOON!!!!  I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I will upload the videos on the blog and you will be able to see...