Wow!!! Is She Serious?

I have an issue with today's young women.  If I see one more butt in the air leaning in the car I swear for Jesus.  This makes no sense to me.  If a man want to talk to you that bad make him park his car and walk long side you.  Trust you are worth the chase.  Male servery is just died I see.  It was time brothers open doors.  Where trying practice there line to get the woman.  Now they just say anything to a woman. And if I hear one more tee tee laughing that is from a woman when a man call out B word I'm  a scream.

It makes so much sense why Fantasia, Dr. Juanita Bynum and many others try to kill themselves after being misused by men.  Because, there is no value or respect in you.  You have to value you.  That's what it is.  Gotta be a whole you outside a man.  Gotta love you. 


I will upload the videos on the blog and you will be able to see me as I weigh in on the latest news topics and etc.  Ages 13 and older will be able to tune in.  I am lady I know how to bring it and still keep my mouth tame.  I have been amazed at some of these you tube channels.  But I'm about to get it right together for them all. 

I love all those who have left comments.  But, after I get the channel you will have to be a follower in order to leave a comment.  Much love to all my Darlings!!!!


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