Saving The That Gem Way!!! #FINANCES #BusinessAdvice #CreditScore

" Get your Living The Diamond Life book Today! Click the Shop Page!" By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! Well, in 2 days we are going to have Authors Wine Down right here in Chicago. Check out flyer below. You will get a chance to get more advice on Credit Repair from Ms. Tiffany Thompson. But, this blog is going to tackle saving money. Or stockpiling if you will. So, we do know that we need money to survive. However, we need to start saving money as well. I notice a lot of people look at saving money all wrong. It's either saving it to just keep pulling out of it. Or not saving at all because, you say you can't afford too. I'm here to tell you, you can't afford not to save. Now tips to save at least $100.00 a month: 1. Pack a lunch, stop buying your lunch everyday. 2. Pay yourself first, you have to pay yourself at least 10% of your income every check. ...