
Showing posts from August, 2019

Saving The That Gem Way!!! #FINANCES #BusinessAdvice #CreditScore

" Get your Living The Diamond Life book Today!  Click the Shop Page!" By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! Well, in 2 days we are going to have Authors Wine Down right here in Chicago.  Check out flyer below.  You will get a chance to get more advice on Credit Repair from Ms. Tiffany Thompson.  But, this blog is going to tackle saving money.  Or stockpiling if you will. So, we do know that we need money to survive.  However, we need to start saving money as well.  I notice a lot of people look at saving money all wrong.  It's either saving it to just keep pulling out of it.  Or not saving at all because, you say you can't afford too.  I'm here to tell you, you can't afford not to save. Now tips to save at least $100.00 a month: 1.  Pack a lunch, stop buying your lunch everyday. 2. Pay yourself first, you have to pay yourself at least 10% of your income every check. ...


“Get your Living The Diamond Life book today hit the Shop Tab!” What’s going on Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents!?! Well, That Gem Enterprises is hosting its very first Authors Wine Down. This is an event hosted by our Vice President Koko Jhanell. This is a time where you will be able to mix and mingle. Drink some wine, get a chance to hear some awesome interviews. But, the count down til the Authors Wine Down will be going on all week. Today, I went live with KGOLD. Then tomorrow I go live with our very own Koko Jhanell. Wednesday I go live with Mr. Diamond Status. Then Thursday our whole team. You don’t want to miss this on our FB Page:  Meet us this Saturday August 31st 2019 at Eighty4Fifty8 3-7p 8458 S Green St Chicago, Illinois Have Joy, Love and Be Empowered!

Forward Movement #LevelUp #Business #Entrepreneur

"Get your #LevelUp gear today hit the Shop Page!" By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! I am so excited about my future and yours as well!  You hear me talking now.  Listen, I have been more then ready to write this blog.  Everyone is really pursuing their future and it is awesome!  I want to speak on forward movement.  Leveling Up if you will. Well, as of April of this year it's official I have made That Gem Enterprises a official LLC.  I have an awesome team!  Matter fact get to know the partners!/2019/06/someone-or-something-that-inspires.html  .  You will get a chance to see something or someone that inspires each team member.  Well, we have some exciting things brewing and coming your way.  Awesome ways to give back as well as provide jobs and better of jobs.  Give us a minute and watch us work. But, I just wanted to speak on s...

Authors Wine Down August 31st is looking for you Vendor!

“Get your book today Living The Diamond Life hit the Shop Tab!” What’s going on Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents!?! Do you have a business? Are you trying to get word out about your business? The Authors Wine Down will be informative live event. You will be able to get some advice from industry professionals. As well as hear how to advance in a few areas. These authors and business owners are telling you some important stuff. You don’t want to miss this event. Save the date! Have Joy, Love and be Empowered!