
Showing posts from October, 2013

A Diamond In A Ruff Web series S1 ep 2


Quincy Jones to sue MJ ESTATE

"Check out New Web Series 1st episode  Check it out!" What's going on Diamonds and Gents?  Chile is everyone trying get there paper or what.  Mr. Jones states that he was cut out of the royalties for This Is It and a boat load of hits he produced for the King of Pop. The royalties in total he is suing both MJ estate for and Sony Music 10 million dollars.  This is sad that MJ is getting blame for it.  But, Quincy say for get that pay me. What do you think on this matter? Much Love Darlings!!!

A Diamond In A Ruff Web Show S1 Ep.1


The Web Show is coming soon Oct. 21st at 10pm

"If you want to Act please email audition video Season 1!" Looking for you!

Colgate #SlimSoft REVIEW

"Coming Soon Web Show you don't want to miss it 10/21 at 10pm You don't want to miss this cast of characters!" Diamonds and Gents I am an official an Influenster!  I got sent some great products that has officially changed my toothpaste and mouthwash.  So I got sent a sample size of Colgate Total Advanced, Toothpaste, Slim Soft toothbrush and mouthwash.  Now they said that the toothpaste and mouthwash it will last up to 12 hours and it did.  Made my teeth feel so good. They sent me the #slimsoft toothbrush I don't like it.  To soft for me I like a medium toothbrush.  But, you looking for a new toothpaste and mouthwash Colgate Total advance it is what's up. Go follow @InfluensterVox and sign up for Influenster. Much Love Darlings!!!