KGOLD. 5 Day #SelfCare Challenge

“Get your Living The Diamond Life book today hit the Shop Tab!” By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamond and my Diamond Status Gents!?! Well we were issued a challenge for #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth by our very own KGOLD. If you haven't caught our video please catch it below. She and I talk candid about our stories of mental health. All while eating us some scrumptious tacos. Well, Sunday we were issued a 5 day challenge to do some #SelfCare. Each day we had to commit to really providing ourselves with things she listed. I must say to be honest I only did it 3 days. I found it challenging with my lifestyle. This taught me that I must at least take a few mins. If not doing everything everyday. Did you find it to be challenging? Let us know down below. Some of the challenges you had. And even if you took the challenge. Well it's not to late today is the last day of the challenge. Here...