
Showing posts from May, 2019

KGOLD. 5 Day #SelfCare Challenge

“Get your Living The Diamond Life book today hit the Shop Tab!” By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamond and my Diamond Status Gents!?! Well we were issued a challenge for #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth by our very own KGOLD.   If you haven't caught our video please catch it below.  She and I talk candid about our stories of mental health. All while eating us some scrumptious tacos.  Well, Sunday we were issued a 5 day challenge to do some #SelfCare. Each day we had to commit to really providing ourselves with things she listed.  I must say to be honest I only did it 3 days.  I found it challenging with my lifestyle.  This taught me that I must at least take a few mins.  If not doing everything everyday.  Did you find it to be challenging? Let us know down below.  Some of the challenges you had.  And even if you took the challenge.  Well it's not to late today is the last day of the challenge. Here...

Mukbang Talking Lupus & Mental Health Awareness

“Get your Living The Diamond Life book Today! Hit the Shop Tab!”

Putting Your Skin In the Game #beEmpowered

"Get your Living The Diamond Life Book! Click Shop Tab Today!" By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! I know the increase of women owning there own business, and minorities in business have gone up more then 8%.  This is largely due to feeling of the black tax (meaning I have to do more then other professionals), the going above and beyond factor.  Also, feeling like our voice in the room doesn't matter.  Or if you assert yourself you must be angry. I'm here to tell you diversity training is not helping with how others cope with minorities in a room.  Being sometimes the only black woman or black in management at some places.  I have found this to be true.  Where if I say or do something she must be mad.  She just can't be passionate about it, she must be mad.  I've found more woman of other races feel this as well.  But, when you raise your voice or yell I'm here for it sis.  I...

5 Day Self Care Challenge! #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth

"Get your copy of 'Living the Diamond Life'. Click the shop tab TODAY!" By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters What's up Diamonds and Diamond Status Gents!?! Well we all know, May is Mental Health Awareness month. There is no better time than the present to take your health into your hands and start living life with purpose ! When you take care of your mind by thinking and acting with purpose, you have a deeper sense of self. This challenge is meant to provide easy and meaningful ways to improve your mental health. So come on y'all- let's do this! Day 1 : Wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Take a few moments to reflect on how you feel. Be grateful for the new day.   SPEAK  out  loud how you feel, as well as any positive affirmations for yourself and your day. Example: Today will be a great day and happiness is mine! Then, before you go to bed you should record how your day matched up with the expectations you set for yourself earlier ...

Story time: My First Time #DiamondTalk

“Get your Diamond Status Tees today! Click the Shop Tab!”

OVERCOMING Performance Anxiety #LivingTheDiamondLife

“Get your book today Living The Diamond Life! Click the Shop Tab today!” By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents! I have been seeing a lot of people going through this very thing. Also, I must admit that I myself have had this very issue on a lot of things I face.   Now, when these things come up, I've found ways to overcome it. Believe it or not FEAR is learned so that means it can be unlearned.  We are only born with certain things that we fear. And even we can overcome fear of darkness and etc. So with that being said we can overcome performance anxiety. Now, I'm talking to entrepreneurs who deal with this. I know it's link to sexual activity with partner.  Or the negative thoughts of maybe not being able to perform.  But, how many know you can have those same issues when it comes to your business.  Feeling like I should be further along.  Allowing your negative thoughts to get you down....


"Get your copy of Empowering The Diamond Within or Living The Diamond Life!" Click the Shop TAB!" By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's happening Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?!  Well, I'm sure all down your social media timeline you have seen so many judgments of this woman.  For her transparency and vulnerability in the public eye.  She has been accused of being a slut.  She has been accused of not letting her inner h*e out.  If she was a man she would be a dog.  All kinds of stuff. Let's be clear, she is woman that is married yes.  A mother, and wife to a very famous man with groupies all in his face on a regular.  She stated a truth.  That your tail can't understand.  Come on now stop playing!  You never wondered if you still had it in a weak moment.  It's not that you are seeking after unwanted attention.  It's just that you just want to know if you still have it. It doesn't have to be a full on f...

Diamond Talk Let’s Talk Money

“Get your Living The Diamond Life and Empowering The Diamond Within Books Today! Hit the Shop Tab!” What’s going Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents!?! Did you get a chance to catch Tuesday night episode of Diamond Talk with Ms. Trā “That Gem “ and KGOLD. If not Click this video here watch with your children. These are some priceless nuggets we are giving out about finances. Watch right here:

Color My Youth #GreenleafMotivationInc #MattForte

Get your copy of Living the Diamond Life TODAY! Click the Shop tab! By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters This month, Greenleaf Motivation Inc . is partnering with Chicago Bears running back Matt Forte and "What's Your Forte" Foundation. Together, that have created a very special event called "Color My Youth". Greenleaf Motivation creates events and programs for at-risk youth that give them fun and enriching ways to develop a love for learning and their community. Color My Youth is perfect for kids and teens who take an interest in sports, health, and wellness. You have from now until May 25th to sign yourself and the young person in your life up for FREE under the Events tab at .  Tell them K Gold. of That Gem Enterprises sent you!

Join M. Tra` "That Gem" LIVE Every Wednesday on Facebook!

" Get your Living The Diamond Life book today hit the SHOP TAB!" What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! ARE YOU READY???? Let's Talk, I want to inspire YOU and help create change!!! So Every Wednesday at 7pm CST/8 pm EST I'll be ready with different topics.  Highlighting business, burn out, how to overcome and most of all let's talk about you.  Living The Diamond Life is a live that I will be hosting every Wednesday. You can catch it . See ya Wednesday!!! Have Joy, Love be EMPOWERED!

Budgeting That Gem Way!!!

"Get your Living The Diamond Life book TODAY! Click the Shop TAB! By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem" What's going on Diamonds and Diamond Status Gents!?!  I know a lot of us are not budgeting or even checking our bank statements on a monthly bases.  I know for a lot of people, it causes depression and even anxiety to look at what there money is doing.  This is because, a lot of our communities are living paycheck to paycheck.  In order to get on top of life you must budget.  Let's talk basics.  So listen whether you want them or not you will have bills Diamonds and Diamond Status gents.  So with that being said theirs no way around that.  You must understand their are assist programs out here.  That will assist in relief for those on a fixed income or retired.  Also, prayer of serenity!  Don't worry about what you can't change.  Pay something on it, verses nothing.  Waiting to it pile up on you, is not the answer. Th...