5 Day Self Care Challenge! #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
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By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters
What's up Diamonds and Diamond Status Gents!?! Well we all know, May is Mental Health Awareness month. There is no better time than the present to take your health into your hands and start living life with purpose! When you take care of your mind by thinking and acting with purpose, you have a deeper sense of self. This challenge is meant to provide easy and meaningful ways to improve your mental health. So come on y'all- let's do this!
Day 1: Wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Take a few moments to reflect on how you feel. Be grateful for the new day. SPEAK out loud how you feel, as well as any positive affirmations for yourself and your day. Example: Today will be a great day and happiness is mine!
Then, before you go to bed you should record how your day matched up with the expectations you set for yourself earlier in the day. Did you really have a great day? Who was able to disrupt your peace and why? If tomorrow ends up being just like today, what can I do to end my day feeling better than I did today?
Purpose: It's very important to check in with yourself. Acknowledge how you feel and any fears you may have. By doing this you set the tone for the rest of your day and establish positive thinking early on. By speaking affirmations over your self, you are speaking life over dreams. And by reflecting later on, you are critiquing yourself in a healthy way and making room for improvement.
Day 2: Repeat the activity from Day 1. This time, add 15-30 minutes of physical activity to your day! I know what you're thinking, but it's like one episode of Maury y 'all. Just work out while you watch, and when it's over so are you! Always start with a few minutes of stretching. You can take a walk before or after work.
By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters
What's up Diamonds and Diamond Status Gents!?! Well we all know, May is Mental Health Awareness month. There is no better time than the present to take your health into your hands and start living life with purpose! When you take care of your mind by thinking and acting with purpose, you have a deeper sense of self. This challenge is meant to provide easy and meaningful ways to improve your mental health. So come on y'all- let's do this!
Day 1: Wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Take a few moments to reflect on how you feel. Be grateful for the new day. SPEAK out loud how you feel, as well as any positive affirmations for yourself and your day. Example: Today will be a great day and happiness is mine!
Then, before you go to bed you should record how your day matched up with the expectations you set for yourself earlier in the day. Did you really have a great day? Who was able to disrupt your peace and why? If tomorrow ends up being just like today, what can I do to end my day feeling better than I did today?
Purpose: It's very important to check in with yourself. Acknowledge how you feel and any fears you may have. By doing this you set the tone for the rest of your day and establish positive thinking early on. By speaking affirmations over your self, you are speaking life over dreams. And by reflecting later on, you are critiquing yourself in a healthy way and making room for improvement.
Day 2: Repeat the activity from Day 1. This time, add 15-30 minutes of physical activity to your day! I know what you're thinking, but it's like one episode of Maury y 'all. Just work out while you watch, and when it's over so are you! Always start with a few minutes of stretching. You can take a walk before or after work.
If you're looking for something a little more challenging, you can download any number of workout apps. You can also hit the gym if you have time, or you can even develop your own workout plan to do from home.
Purpose: Studies show that exercising releases "feel-good" hormones called endorphins. These endorphins act as the body's natural pain killer, and it also makes people feel pleasure and euphoria. In other words, staying physically active helps you to look good AND feel good.
Day 3: Repeat the activity from Day 1. Today make time to change your environment. Clean up your work area, your bedroom, your kitchen- whatever needs to be cleaned! Just set aside 20-30 minutes to tackle whatever needs the most immediate attention. If you already keep your spaces pretty tidy, then try redecorating. These changes can be big or small, but the goal is to make a change.
Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to declutter your space! Studies show that clutter makes it more difficult to focus on other tasks. Depression is more likely to be linked to those who keep a disorganized space in comparison to those who are tidy. When you have a clear space, you have a clear mind.
Day 4: Repeat the activities from Day 1 and Day 2.
Purpose: The purpose of repeating these activities daily, or every other day, is to establish healthy habits and stability.
Day 5: Repeat the activity from Day 1. Today you should plan and focus on getting out of your normal environment. Enjoy a meal with friends, see a movie, or shop for something new just for you! Whatever it is you want to do, do it away from home or work. This can be as simple as taking your lunch break outside, or as elaborate as acting as a tourist in your own city.
Purpose: Sometimes it's really easy to get caught up in our day-to-day routines. The purpose of this exercise is to change your scenery so that you can feel refreshed and get that well-needed break from your responsibilities.
If you take on this challenge let us know. Follow us on IG: @thatgement or @_kgold_ I would love to hear how you are progressing.
Have Joy, Love and be EMPOWERED!
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