Over 100 Teens rescued in Sex Trafficking Raid over the weekend

"Hit that Audition Tab and see you August 10th at 1pm still looking for you!" Diamonds and Gents I am so happy to announce FBI raided over 70 cities and rescued 105 teens being exploited. Can you say one small step for man and one giant step for 105 teens with the youngest one they rescued being 13 years old. They even arrested 150 "pimps" they were exploiting both adults and children. These pimps used social media to prey on children from broken homes. They pimp them out of several venues hotels casinos, motels etc. All I have to say is Kudos to FBI for this bust. I hope they get more. If you know any children being exploited in kind of way contact http://www.restorationhousechicago.org . They will be able to assess in getting you to the right help right here in Chicago. For the full article and story go to: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/29/19754475-more-than-100-teens-rescued-in-weekend-sex-trafficking-raids-fbi-says?lite Th...