
Showing posts from July, 2013

Over 100 Teens rescued in Sex Trafficking Raid over the weekend

"Hit that Audition Tab and see you August 10th at 1pm still looking for you!" Diamonds and Gents I am so happy to announce FBI raided over 70 cities and rescued 105 teens being exploited.  Can you say one small step for man and one giant step for 105 teens with the youngest one they rescued being 13 years old. They even arrested 150 "pimps" they were exploiting both adults and children.  These pimps used social media to prey on children from broken homes.  They pimp them out of several venues hotels casinos, motels etc.  All I have to say is Kudos to FBI for this bust.  I hope they get more.  If you know any children being exploited in kind of way contact . They will be able to assess in getting you to the right help right here in Chicago. For the full article and story go to: Th...

Kenya Moore Making $600,000 on S6 RHOA

"Get your That Gem Tee TODAY check it out by clicking the tab!"             Diamonds and Gents Kenya Moore is laughing all the way to the bank baby. I knew Kenya Moore was just holding out.  She wanted to get some of that big money baby.  Trust I don't blame her.  Because Season 5 she brought the drama.  Well, she join the ranks of being one of the higher paid ones in Reality TV.  Nene Leakes shows that with the $1 mil she got for season 6.  Well, let's get ready the claws really about to be out now.   They making money and oh yes you know they gotta keep us talking.  I can't wait to see what's up there sleeve for this season.   What you think?  Do she deserve this money or should they have let her go?   Much Love Darlings!!!         

LIL Mama to Join T-Boz and Chilli in TLC

"Click that Audition Tab right on that right side 4 more details looking for talent!" Diamonds and Gents Lil Mama will be joining the group trio this weekend in Pennsylvania for a mixtape festival.  Well, we all know Lil Mama will be playing Left Eye in upcoming movie about the singing trio.  She knows all the group choreography and also all the raps on queue. You have to really love to see this comb together. TLC held a press conference announcing this.  So far it looks like only for this weekend because they're concerned about how the fans will fell about this recent change.  But check out this pic from the recent movie and tell me she doesn't look just like this woman.   Listen up I would love to see what she adds to the group.  A lot of groups have been through that O'JAYS, Temptations so you do what is best.  Looking forward to see what you all come up with.     What you think? Will she be a good addition or just k...

K. Michelle Album Realease & I Don't Like Me (Official Music Video)

"Catch Living It Up ON DEMAND Right Now!" Diamonds and Gents KMichelle is really blowing us away with #RebelliousSoul.  She has release another song that has you floored.  Really at the imagery and what it is you see and hear from this new song.  All I have to say is Aug. 13 can't come quick enough. She currently is on tour.  August 10th is the Album release party.  Just Excited for KMichelle seen her on Wendy Williams do your thang mamcita #TeamThatgem salute you. Check out her video I Don't Like me : Comment down below let us know what you think of this song. Much Love Darlings!!!

"I VOW" R&B Diva LA Review S1 Ep.3

"Catch Living It up on DEMAND Right Now!" Diamonds and Gents this was a very good episode and emotional.  I like when you do a lot of self reflection it really helps you to become a better you.  So let's talk about Lil 'Mo baby I love her she is to funny.  Did she say it's a lot of demons and snakes be careful if you want to be in the industry? Baby you got to love her for her straight in your face realness. Michel'le and that voice I'm trying girl to get use to it.  This episode it wasn't that bad.  Any who, baby Chante Moore was serving it up Wonder Woman style.  You gotta love it.  She did that twirl I was like yes Honnee you better twirl.  Let's talk event so they get to the event that Kelly Price ask them to go to because it was her charity. Needless, to say she was not there because of the open mic thing she does in LA.  The Lady on the Pink Carpet was blowing me.  She got R...

Yesterday Auditions were gr8!

"Tell somebody spread the word I'm looking for actors.  Oh yes I am and singers!"   Diamonds and Gents when I tell you there was some talented people that came out I was elated to meet some.  Gr8 male singer Don, Actor/Singer The Hawk Man Bishop Willie Hawkins, My leading lady Christina Clair the poet, These young sisters came out and so much more. I cast most in my mind right there.  But, it's still not over I'm still looking for you.  I need 4 roles filled instantly.  2 female singers from ages of 25-55.  I need 2 males One should at least be over 21.  The other over the age of 16 is fine.  Please come prepared.  I am looking for you! Check out some of the auditions and stay tune for more info at the end of vid: So email me if interested at .  If it's not you please share this thanks! Much Love Darlings!!!

Dwayne Wade of Miami Heat Ex-wife Homeless

"Yes Auditions is 2moro. Get all info by clicking Audition tab at the right.  Hope 2 see ya there!" Diamonds and Gents can you believe what you are seeing.  Now, where is the sunbeams(#TheGameBET) when you need them.  Now, she was originally awarded $1 million dollars and $25,000 a month for child support.  But, after he sued for custody of his children and won.  Also, after paying 9 lawyers I guess $1 mil wasn't going to cut it. Needless to say alledgely she is on the streets with a sign and she is begging.  Baby, what was you doing when he was on the court.  Never thought about opening a boutique or shacking some chips for a rainy day. Dwayne Wade even though you don't have to do anything for her.  Due to the nasty divorce and all.  But bruh get the mother of your babies off the street.  You look cheap and your kids don't need to see they momma like that.  Check out full story here:


"Don't forget to click that Audition Tab for Saturday Audition's!" Diamonds and Gents y'all know I'm all about the best lyrics you can find.  Let's just say Chi-Town finest just gave me that and so much more.  Now the 3 fav's was Dynastii I hope I got that right, Classic and gotta give my old grammar school homie love Pre Dolla.  Y'all check it out.  This one is bring that old school flavor I so love in the rap game check it out: Let them know what you think down in the comment section. Much Love Darlings!!!

Mc Donald's Gospel Fest 2013

"Check out GEM SpotTV on SUB Today!" Diamonds and Gents I know I'm late but, better late then never.  Well The Gospel Fest is still on the move.  Anyway, hit my Hometown Chi-town June 22 and lasted a few days.  I think I caught the 3rd day. All I have to say is Mrs. Tamela Mann took ya right in.  She was limited because, you know not all know that place in worship.  But, oh yes it was good.  Just check out the snippet of GEM SpotTV footage: Check it out in Dallas, TX Aug. 30th.  Much Love Darlings!!!

Reality Show Alert! Real Mistresses of Atlanta [Trailer]

"Catch GEM SpotTV on Sub TODAY!" Diamonds and Gents can you say ratchet TV is getting worse.  Now dude who had 1,000 kids by 100 women couldn't air his show.  But, the garden tools of ATL can.  Ok miss me with the booty chatter.  I am not here for this at all. I'm wife and I be dag um if I watch this foolery.  Now we know the garden tools exist but, why do they need a show Just a thought.  Check out the trailer here: What you think? Let me know down below. Much Love Darlings!!!

Zimmerman found NOT Guilty! I'm outraged at our justice system

"Rest in Peace Trayvon Martian and to his parents can't begin to know how you feel." Diamonds and Gents this is outrageous our justice system as allowed a cold blooded killer to be free.  When, the operator told this man to stay in the car but he didn't.  This crazy.  We need to do something about this.  He shouldn't be able to have gun anymore or something. It took them 16 hours to deliberate.  Couldn't even get the facts clear on manslaughter.  Wow welcome to America.  Where the thief get 25 years and a cold blooded killer get home in time for re-runs of Matlock.  Just be advise stay in the house lock your doors.  You know how people get with these kind of trials. What are your thoughts comment down below. Much Love Darlings!!!

Miss Representation On OWN .. Our responsiblity

"Check out Gem SpotTV on Sub TODAY!" Diamonds and Gents this was really an eye opener.  Well, Miss Representation was a documentary about women and how we are depicted in the mass media.  I watched and learn that even I am guilty of buying into these very same stereotypes. We have as the consumer have allow ourselves to be subjected to the news talk down to our mothers, daughters, politicians, pastors, nieces and even just human being that just so happen to be a woman.  It actually is sickening.  There solution was to train them young. But, I say yes train them young but Daddy teach your daughters that they can accomplish anything and that you will be there to support what they do.  Women stop looking at the image and look at the accomplishment. Gabby Douglas was talked about more for how her hair look then what she accomplish in the Olympics.  Sarah Palin was talked about and called a B on national TV and ...

Best Man 2 (Trailer)

                      "Don't forget to click the Audition tab on the top of the page to get details!" Diamonds and Gents I am so here for the comeback of The Best Man 2.  I can't wait four months I'm just saying.  We are having to wait 13 years to catch up to this cast of characters.  All I have to say is check out the trailer: Are you here for it or not? Comment Down Below. Much Love Darlings!!! Picture courtesy of Best Man blog

R&B Divas L.A. RECAP

"Don't miss auditions click above TAB for more info. July 20th!" Diamonds and Gents check out my quick recap of the premiere episode.  I just have to say I enjoyed! Kelly PRIVE LOVED YOUR MAKEUP! Lil Mo gotta love her period.  I was surprise about Michel'le real voice. Catch the rest right here: Comment down below what you think? Much Love Darlings!!!

We are one week away! For Auditions for a Comedy Stage Play!

"Check out GEM Spottv Sub TODAY!" Diamonds and Gents yes I am excited we are a week away from auditions.  I hope you are getting yourself ready for this.  I am really looking forward to working with ya let's see.  For any Q &A check out this link:  .  That link should answer most asked questions.  Also, if for whatever reason you can't make it July 20th and you would like to audition you can email me but there will be a small fee at a later date email me at . Check out this video: Looking forward to seeing you July 20th at 4pm! Please share this on your social media pages thx! Much Love Darlings!!!

#BETAwards #AnythingCan Happen Recap

"Calling all Actors, Singers and Comedians 4 Auditions for a Comedy Stage Play 4 more info. go to !" Diamonds and Gents oh yes it went down the whole weekend in L.A. BET shut it down.  For there annual award ceremony.  It was a star studded event as always.  If you missed here is some things that shuck out to me and who won what?  Check it out: Let me know what stuck out to you down below in the comment section. Much Love Darlings!!!