"Check out Living It up Every Sat. at 1:30pm cst http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem." Well, Diamonds and Gents Mary J. Blige is getting sued. For everything but her coo-coo. That's right beautiful soulful singer Mary J. Blige is getting sued for half a million dollars. On top of that has a $901,769.65 tax lien against her. H*ll you might as well just say a whole million dollars. Honnee I can't. Now, wait Mary you just was singing No More Drama how it happen Mary. Anyhow, they are even checking into the singers handlings of foundation monies. Allegedly to protect myself. The foundation as been cheating the scholarship children out of there money honnee. Now, wait Mary. You and your husband Martian Issacs was hit with a 2.2 million dollar lawsuit in Nov. of 2012. Wow! The bank ain't playing they are also, seeking to recoup $58,000 in interest on that loan. OK people it's time to weigh in. I want to know, Mary How did it happen honnee?