
Showing posts from May, 2013

H&M CEO Admits to Models being to skinny

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones 2moro. on Living It Up at 1:30pm cst." You read it right Diamonds and Gents.  Recently, CEO Karl-Johan Persson said, "he wants the brand to reflect the diversity of his customer base."  He has stated he wants health to be what they choose. So all the full figured women and bloggers came after the CEO of  Abercrombie & Fitch, Mike Jefferies he just flat out said he doesn't want big girls in his clothes.  Baby one full figured blogger posed in the companies clothes.  To take a stand.  But, H&M has even recently hired Beyoncé to stir up the pot.  Also, Jennie Runk a curvier model.  Good for them health body sizes is always good.  He admitted in times past most models were to skinny.  They of course ask him about the other CEO Mr. Mike Jeffries stand on it all.  Mr. H&M said, I can't speak for him.  Only that health is ...

Woman catches Herpes At a Rihanna concert and is suing M.A.C. Cosmetics.....

"Catch GEM SpotTV on RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Diamonds and Gents people are crazy as they come.  So Starkeema Greenidge alleges she was told to try on RiRi Woo at a Rihanna concert by a M.A.C. rep.  So the young lady alleges she applied the RiRi Woo to her top lip directly from the tube onto her top lip.  She then alleges the rep told her to press her lips together.  The next day she wakes up with a sore on her lip she then goes to the doctor to find out it is Herpes.  So Ms. Greenidge is suing M.A.C. Cosmetics on grounds of there unsafe practices.  M.A.C. Normal practice is to use a disposal able applicator. Well, if this story is true. You know dag um well that other people are at the Rihanna Concert if she let you put it on your lips or attempt, know the others did.  REALLY? Well, she made it clear she wasn't suing Rihanna but she was suing M.A.C. Cosmetics. What you think? Much Love Darlings!!! Source...

How to Create a Productive Positive Environment?

"Catch GEM SpotTV on RIGHT Now!!!" What's going on Diamonds and Gents?  I am just sitting here thinking about what to put on my Vision Board and I realize.  I've only accomplished 3 things that I previously put on there. So I had to go in my corner and ask myself what is going on?  Why only 3?  Well, I got my answer.  The last couple of months my environment has not been conducive for productivity because, positivity hasn't been around. Now, I have post notes labels all around my house with different quotes.  I haven't looked at them in a couple of months.  Laughing, because even the one that's on my bathroom mirror and I have to look up and see that one.  I even forgot it was there.  How bad is that right? Why?  A lot, of times when you go through things in life you forget that even the bad can work out for your good.  So now that I am realizing that.  I have decided to be ...

Nicki Minaj talks about Her New Movie & More... With Hot 97 NY

"Catch the Radio Show this Saturday at 1:30pmcst with Comedian Leslie Jones on " Yes Diamonds and Gents Nicki is working on a new movie with Cameron Diaz and she is playing the assistant.  She talks American Idol and relief it is over.  Among other things.  Honestly, she didn't do that bad on American Idol.  It's just that the beef was getting old to so many.  Whether, the producers support the madness or not it wasn't worth the trouble.  Let me know what you think about Nicki Minaj being apart of this new movie.  Do you support? Comment Down Below. Check it out: Much Love Darlings!!!

Fan Slaps Beyonce rear... How rude?

"Comedian Leslie Jones on Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents some of these fans go to dog um far.  How rude?  So a young man while she was performing in Forum, DK.  slap her romp roast.  Baby, that's a mess.  Check it out: That's right Bey tell him I'll have you escorted up outta here. That's fan going to dag um far.  What makes you think you can violate a person like that.  Not cool dude not cool. Much Love Darlings!!!

Chris Brown Could be facing Jail time

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones on Living It Up Sat. at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents what's happening? Chris Brown had a fender bender this week with a woman.  She allegedly ask Chris Brown for his information far as a driver's license number and insurance information. The lady alleges that he gave her false information. Well, TMZ report that if this is true he will be in violation of his parole.  They also, reported Chris Brown attorney is trying to get to the bottom of this. Now, all you are getting is my name and insurance information.  The way they still identities these days you not getting my Driver's license number.  I don't blame him for that one.  Hell he can't lie about who he is.  Unless you are under a rock you know who he is. Furthermore, there is no kind of damage to her vehicle miss me with that one. Do you think he should go to jail? Or let there insurance companies handle thi...

Response: 15 y/o Chicago Student gets knocked down stairs by Security Guard

"Comedian Leslie Jones on Living It Up on Sat. at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents little child running wild.  Naw grown man running wild ridiculous he has gone to far.  Check out the story or my Response here: WELL, YOU HEAR IT! What do you think about what happen?  Let me know down below get full story here: Much Love Darlings!!!

Oprahs Next Chapter with Tyler Perry ReCap

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones on Living It Up Sat. at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents Mr. Tyler Perry had a sit down with Ms. O and oh yes I RECAP that thang.  So Check it out right here: Make sure to check your local OWN listing and tune in for this BIG 2DAY EVENT! Tomorrow and Hump-day Wednesday! Much Love Darlings!!!

Mo'Nique stops by HOT97 NY Gotta love her!!!!!!

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones on Living It Up Sat. 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents Ms. Monique is looking good and yes she is giving you some of that positivity that we all miss.  After a 3 year hiatus she is back and better then every gotta love her check it out: Alright now Mo'Nique break time over time for you to come on back.  We miss ya love.  My Diamond sistah is looking fierce.  Looking forward to seeing you on the road, some shows, cameos and all. Much Love Darlings!!!

Check out Today's Living It Up.....

"Listen to my new episode Living It Up with Ms. Tra` "That Gem": at ." Diamonds and Gents today's show was great we talked celeb dish.  Amanda Bynes, Jennifer Hudson joining American Idol judge panel and Chris Tucker owing the IRS. Then, we jumped right on into Hot Topic:  How to rekindle a love life in a marriage?  Music features @TheArkutec and @SRSoul. If you missed don't worry I got ya right here: Listen to my new episode Living It Up with Ms. Tra` "That Gem": at . If you missed the hot topic and want to add your take make sure to comment down below. Much Love Darlings!!!

Jennifer Hudson returning to American Idol as a JUDGE

"Catch Living It Up Today on at 1:30pm cst" Diamonds and Gents J. Hud will be an American Idol judge.  Season 13 will be back in 2014 with a familiar face and maybe a few familiar faces.  American Idol has fired a few to get the ratings back from the 33% percent fall since The hit show The Voice. They are talking to Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken and few other Idol stars.  Who better to judge then those that went through the process before. Well, let's see if this will work. What you think?  Do you think Jennifer Hudson will be a good add to the judge panel?  Or would this go terribly wrong? Much Love Darlings!!!

Celeb Tattoos that seem 2 be a good idea Now...... But when 60 hit will they....... (Even my tat)

"Catch Living It Up 2moro. on at 1:30pm cst" Yes Diamonds and Gents Tattoos that make sense now but when ya turn 60 will they. Let's start with Jamie Foxx the Academy award winner celebrated his 40th b-day with a tribal tat on the back of his head:   Oh Chris Brown neck tat now I know he said it wasn't RiRi but when there 60 how would they explain that to the kids Just Saying:     NBA Star Marquis Daniels play for state that his back tat don't represent see now when you 60 the grandkids gonna be like hey papa why? Check it out:     Now Pink we can't forget that barcode on the back of her neck you want to know her worth scan her.  At 60 with grandkids not going to make much since check it out:      Let's talk the infamous paws had all the ladies wanting paw tats.  That at 60 won't make much sense.  But, with Famous Rapper EVE I'm sure they won't care Ch...

K. Michelle admits to being a Lesbian for 3months

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents K. Michelle stopped by Power 105.1 the Breakfast Club to talk new single VSOP which is available on iTunes.  Also, the move from ATL to Love and Hip Hop NY.  Which, can I just say "YES" Mrs. Mona Scott-Young for that one.  Because, They need fever and life honnee and K. Michelle will give it that. But, any who she talking about relationships and incident about Kurt calling K. Michelle a lesbian on #LHHATL.  So Angela Yee asks her so did you ever sleep with a woman.  K. Michelle answered yes.  But, for 3 months. Check it out here: Kurt if you listen to the mixtape K. Michelle tells her own business so you and others can't just saying.  Check out K. Michelle flyer for her upcoming show: Much Love Darlings!!! Source: 105.1 The Breakfast Club

Love & Hip Hop New York IS ON STRIKE

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents y'all see the title LOL ROTFL JUST LAUGHING! Really?  Ok let me give y'all the tea with no sugar.  OK.  So Tuesday the cast was suppose to meet up to shoot a trailer for upcoming season of #LHHNY LOL.  Baby half the cast shows up. The other half stayed at home because apparently they want more money and they don't like the way they were portrayed.  So the ones that showed up stormed out.  Feeling maybe they're contract should be doubled as well.  So emergency meeting has been called and hopefully they can get this resolved. Well, can I just say Mrs. Mona Scott-Young.  The whole cast was boring and sucked anyhow.  You messed up the winning formula you had with Chrissy, Emily, Somaya , Olivia and the original cast.  Period I even like Kimbella being added.  These new booties were a trip and needed to be...

That Gem Corner (My family takes advantage of me HELP!)

If you would like to reach out just click that pic on the right side.  Or email me at .  Make sure to comment and let Simone know what you think. Much Love Darlings!!!

K. Michelle" Rebel Against" (Behind the Scenes)

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" What's going on Diamonds and Gents? Oh yes @Kmichelle shows us why we love her so.  She is putting a very real voice to violence against women.  By joining the campaign with "Saving Our Daughters" check it out! Then go Follow K. Michelle on TWITTER! Much Love Darlings!!!

Rapper Chief Keef ARRESTED in ATL

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents didn't Chief Keef just get out of jail in March.  Now, 17 years old you've gotten a big break and you appreciate it by smoke weed out in public.  So they hauled that tail right on to jail.   The A Don't play.  Atlanta po' po' don't play boo.  He had a nerve to post the above pic to his Instagram of his mug shot honnee.  Then tweeted this after his release: Jus GOT Of DeKalb County Jail In Atlanta Mad AS F**k.... See I can't with this one.  It's time for him to get his act together.  You a lil dude from the Chi with an opportunity most sold CD's out there trunk and battle for years to get.  Get it together! What do you think comment down below? Much Love Darlings!!! Source:TMZ  

2013 Billboard Music Awards RECAP

"Check out GEM SpotTV on RIGHT NOW!" Check it out! Much Love Darlings!!!

WNBA Player gets A Mercedes from Jay-Z

"Catch Living It Up this Saturday on at 1:30pmcst" Oh Yes Diamonds and Gents.  Skylar Diggins aka Sky Diggs was gifted a car from Jay-Z of Roc Nation.  She was one of the number one draft picks of the WNBA.  Sky graduated Notre Dame's Mendoza Business College, Ms. Diggs walked outside to the parking lot and seen a white Mercedes Benz.  The white Mercedes Benz had a big red bow and a hand written note from Mr. Roc Nation himself. Well, Sky put a pic of it on her Instagram and said:  “Got surprised with a new Mercedes! Thanks so much to Jay and @rocnation, and @dancyautogroup!” Well, congrads to you Ms. Diggs looking forward to seeing you on the court. Much Love Darlings!!! Photo via Instagram/SkyDigg4

That Gem's Corner (I want to keep the ring, but he want it back)

"Catch up on Reviews, Hauls and more GEM SpotTv " Hey Ms. Tra, Girl I am going through over here.  Well, I met what I thought would be the love of my life in the fall of 2010.  It seem like a love story made from God.  We met at a bowling alley.  He saw me from across the room and our eyes deadlocked on one another.  Mr. Man approach me and just wanted to invite me to church.  He said a woman that don't pray he doesn't want any part of anyway.  I excepted.  It was so great to see a grown man that didn't mind weeping before the Lord. Anyway, fast forward to 2012 June to be exact he finally proposed to me.  After 2years he proposed.  I immediately said yes with no hesitation.  But the very next month his house burns down and he was left with no where to stay so naturally I let him move in. Lord have mercy why did I do that.  I will tell you in the 2 years we dated whether you b...

Watch out Beyhive Beyonce is Confirmed 4 baby #2! She's preggers........

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones  on Living It Up with yours TRULY! Mark Your calendars" Diamonds and Gents it's official.  Beyoncé is confirmed to be pregnant.  With 2nd baby.  Multiple sources have revealed it to E! Well, not surprising since Bey had to cancel a show and loosen some of them there outfits.  Go Beyoncé and Jay-Z get that Carter tribe right on together.  Talk about building a legacy and dynasty honnee.  Go Girl.  Super Happy for the Carters. If you could predict what Bey maybe carrying boy or girl?  Comment below. Much Love Darlings!!! Source: E Pic courtesy of ds photography a member of the BEYHIVE(Beyoncé fan)

Today's Living It Up Featuring Gospel Artist Raine

"Listen to my new episode Living It Up with Ms. Tra` "That Gem": at . " Diamonds and Gents I had a great time talking to a great Gospel Artist today Raine.  She has a awesome album out Believe Again-The Experience.  Oh yes and you can go get that at .  Raine is also, very active on the Twitter and other social media outlets.  Connect with her. If you missed today's show that's OK Listen here by clicking: . Much Love Darlings!!!

Tamar Braxton Is not Bleaching her Skin......

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Well, Diamonds and Gents Tamar Braxton is not bleaching her skin.  She has been diagnose since she was a child with vitiligo.  Now, everyone really found out about what vitiligo was  when Michael Jackson was publically battling it. Ms. Tamar had a recent sit down with Ebony to set the record straight.  She even tweeted pics of her hands.  A pic of her as a child.  Letting people know she tan just to get a even color.  No she is not bleaching her skin.  It is enough that she has to go through a blow to her self- esteem due to this disease.  And also, when it comes to her self image.  She also, went on to say if she was bleaching she would state.  But, she made it clear she wasn't. Now, I hope y'all leave the dang um woman alone after this. Talk about how fly her single is .  Because, The One is on iTunes...

Kimye Taking New born Baby Girl On TOUR

"Catch Living It up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents Kimye is taking the new baby on Tour.  Well new born baby girl will be here in July.  Well, when Kanye was going to leave home for his tour Kim said oh hellz no you won't go.  Unless Kim K.  and yo' baby going.  So now they will be rolling. The tour bus will be sounded proof.  The hotels they will be stopping at will have cribs and be sound proof for baby.  UM.  Kim K. now wait a min.  Girl you that concern that you had to go on tour.  You better let that man make his money.  How he gonna work with the baby and you all up and through?  But, on the other hand I'm glad boo.  Because, oh yes I would've been going as well cause' I don't play that .  You gon' change some these diapers and you gonna do some 2 am feedings too.  Gotcha. You there will be a nanny on deck stop playing. Well,...

31 yr. Old Gets 20 years 4 firing Warning Shot

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Wow Diamonds and Gents I am outraged at this.  Well, 31 year old Marissa Alexander is sitting in jail right now on 3 counts of aggravated assault against her husband for firing a warning shot.  Marissa has been apparently hospitalized after her estranged husband beat her. Now, this is the same man she shot a warning shot for and mind you no one was injured. Ok so Florida what the hell is going on here.  Y'all deliberated for 12 mins. really and then convicted this woman after all the facts.  Wait then this thang her husband told the defense attorney he put his hands on all 5 of his baby mommies.  Then he lied and said he never said that he feared for his life.  Baby get the full story here: What can we do?  As a community this s...

Eve Got New album out! Lip Lock.....

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmct" Diamonds and Gents Eve is back and came with it.  Honnee she even dating Max Mil Mr. man got her heart.  Well, she is always gonna be my girl.  Even have her own label.  Living in London and doing the dang em' thang.  Go Eve! Check her out at her recent listening party.  Go check out her website at   Go get Lip Lock available now!  Will have it and will review it right HERE!     Are you happy Eve is back? Let me know down below!     Much Love Darlings!!!         In Listening party pic far left Christie Michelle, Melinda Fiona, center Eve and Estelle    

Tamar Braxton has another "ONE" Hit that is

"Check out Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst"   Diamonds and Gents its time to blast this summer hit in your car honnee.  Yesssssss! I am happy about this follow up from Love and WAR. I rate this one a 4.  Out of 1 to 5 gems.  Oh yes this is a drop top outer drive (Lakeshore drive).  Let it play and roll up the coast.  It's available on iTunes. Check out the song here: Much Love Darlings!!!

Guest Blogger PR Girl Angel

"Check out Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30p" I’m not a “business woman”; I’m a “business” – PRGirlAngel As the owner and operator of 2 successful companies, Angel Willis aka PRGirlAngel, takes a minute to talk to Ms. Tra` "The Gem", about career, being an entrepreneur, and woman in the entertainment business. PRGirlAngel Entertainment is my first business circa 2007, Ft Lauderdale FL. This business was started as a PR/ Marketing Firm, which was aimed toward Caribbean businesses and entertainers. The business basically came from my love for music, and Caribbean culture.   Prior to moving to Ft Lauderdale, growing up in Boston I was exposed to many cultures, lifestyle, and music. Music has always played a major role in my life. I come from a musical family, maternally and paternally. Being raised by grandparents, I had a very structured and religious upbringing. My grandfather was the director of 2 church ...

Interview with @SRSoul TODAY!

"Listen to my new episode Living It Up with Ms. Tra` "That Gem": at . " Diamonds and Gents if you missed today's Living It Up don't worry about it check it out now.  Listen to my new episode Living It Up with Ms. Tra` "That Gem": at . SRSoul is hot to death with that music.  Bringing a little soul your way and remember when you listen and see him on T.V. you heard him 1st here. Show him some encouraging support.  Follow him on TWITTER @SRSoul. Much Love Darling!!!

Kenya Moore Wants Moore Coin #RHOA

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents Kenya Moore of the Real Housewives of Altanta say stop playing yall gonna give NeNe more coin. I'm need some dollars to Andy. I feel she should get more money. Hell she gave us everything darling. She didn't play she brought it. I love every miniute of it. Well, it was a nasty rumor saying she was leaving the Real Housewives cast. I was like Bravo if you let her go I know somebody over there not paying attention. Kenya was in the blogs Wendy hot topic and the reason to why we watched. Forget the madness pay her. I like NeNe Leakes but hell NeNe was barely on the screen. She was off doing her thang honnee. When mama was away Kenya had to keep them inline. Just Saying. Well, what yall think do you think she ought to get paid MOORE? Or should she just let it go? Let me know what you think down below.

#Married2Med REVIEW Ep.7

"Catch @SRSOUL on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents catch these teas honnee.  So these here Doctor wives know how to squeeze the lemon until its dried up honnee. So Mariah and Toya still at it.  Now, some how Toya don't realize she throw the glass and Mariah had to handle her business.  Kari know that Mariah didn't have a glass in her hand.   Maybe she should bill Toya for the broken glass.  But, any who, so Dr. Jackie tries to bring the ladies 2gether only to find out.  A rubber ducky and some lemon won't help these ladies.  Now, now Mariah I understand she talked about your child but, honnee forgive.  Because, you will have to see this woman all the time.  No Ms. Toya from this day forward is not be trusted or should even be in your inner circle anymore.  Toya you don't want none of Quad so Catch Fire boo.  She classy with her shade.  TRUST!  ...

Hauling with That Gem Being a Diamond On Budget (Makeup &Nails)

"Catch @SRSOUL on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents I am all about being a Diamond.  But, you know you can be fab honnee on a budget as well.  Now, I must tell ya  that L.A. Color bake eye shadow is a must have.  It so pigmented and very long lasting.  I also, have gotten there polishes in my life.  No one wants to do business with a woman with dish pan hands just saying honnee.  The Bake Eye shadow runs 2.99 to 4.99.  The polish is $1 to maybe 2.99 depending on where you purchase it. Now for the ladies like me that love to live on the edge with your nails.  Kiss has design stickers and a precise precision design two pack pen that will make you get your life and get it again.  The Kiss pen is so much better then the Sally Henson.  There is no messy drip.  It's like writing with a pen.   The Kiss stickers, are so great! The designs cover the whole nail or just bea...

Wade Robson Suing Michael Jackson Estate

"Catch GEM SpotTV on RIGHT NOW" Diamonds and Gents Wade Robson has lost his mind or what?  Honnee no you didn't try to get some of Mike Jr. and Blanket coin.  Honnee I can't with you.  MJ Molested you REALLY???? So Wade the choreographer has really lost his mind with his self.  Honnee bunty didn't you testify that MJ didn't do nothing to the boys that came to his house.  Now, yo' broke butt want coin.  Well, Michael Jackson estate is saying this claim is pathetic.  So Mr. Wade ya ashtray ain't getting a got dang on thing.  YOU REALLY TRIED IT!  Now, why you wait to he died, because when he died your tail was good and grown dummy.  You could've did that or made your claim long time age honnee. What y'all think?  Is this just a warp attempt for this fool to get coin? Or did it really happen? Much Love Darlings!!! Source: MTV, TMZ

Billionaire Mogul Gives Away Half his Wealth to Charity

"Catch @SRSOUL on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Well, Diamonds and Gents Stephan Ross Billionaire Real Estate Mogul is giving away half his wealth.  Mr. Ross is development founder and chairman of "The Giving Pledge".   The foundation is some sort of initiative of Bill and Melinda Gates to seek out the world's wealthiest billionaires to give. Well, Mr. Ross is worth 4.4 billion dollars and rates 286 on Forbes 2013 list out of 1,426 global billionaires.  Any who, fantastic you are giving to charity.  But, I feel why give it to a charity when you need to give those working under you a raise. I'm sorry but a lot of this is a power trip move.  Or universal law give and it shall be given.  Reaping and sowing.  PERIOD!  Which is fine.  But, some of these billionaires literally pay some of there employees lower then minimum wage just to make the billion dollars. I'm sorry want to impress me.  H...

Nick Cannon takes the BAIT! He talks about the American Idol Drama

"Check out GEM SpotTV on RIGHT NOW!" Well Diamonds and Gents Nick Cannon takes the bait.  1st my man never get pulled into female drama.  When dude ask you about what Mariah felt, "Your response ask Mariah".  We can talk Mariah music she just dropped a new single.  But, we will not I will not talk female drama. Never let the media or our patty counterparts ever pull you into female stuff.  Just Saying my man.  Mariah is legend.  We can talk about that.  But, I'm not talking female stuff dude PERIOD.  Well check out the interview and let me know what you think down below: What you think? Stay out of female stuff or go for it defend your wife? Much Love Darlings!!!

Mr. Cee Talks to Hot 97 After being Arrested for Involvement with Male Prostitute

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Diamonds and Gents Mr. Cee has been caught again for soliciting a prostitute.  The prostitute is said to be a male.  Well I should say allegedly  Because, Mr. Cee said, it was an undercover woman officer.  But, now I don't know.  Any way, in 2011 he plead guilty.  Now he said he is not gay and wasn't soliciting a male.  He engaged with trying with a woman. Let me know what you think? Now, I don't know you be the judge get the full interview here: Let me know what you think comment down below. Much Love Darlings!!! Picture courtesy of

RANDOM:Social Media,PSA 2 Parents,Kimye MARRIAGE?,Chris Kelly,Amanda Byn...

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Check out what's going on in news and just my take on a lot.  Gets Hilarious as well.  Thanks for all your support. Much Love Darlings!!!

Went 4 Sushi at Niu Japanese Fusion Lounge (Restaruant Review)

"Iyanla: Fix My Life Review up on GEM SpotTV on" Yes Diamonds and Gents me and the Hubby went to Niu Japanese Fusion Lounge .  I must say it was very peaceful and nice.  Now me and the hubby have walked pass it several times on our way to the show.  But, I must say he wanted to go and I'm glad we went. We had a great waiter very attentive.  You know I loved that!  He also was very knowledgeable about the menu and what to suggest.  We enjoyed!  I recommend this to any couple for date night.  If ladies want to meet ya girl for lunch.  After a downtown shopping experience this is the place for you.  I had the Japanese Fried Rice, I also had a crunchy shrimp sushi roll and I tried the Firecracker roll but with salmon.  That is a roll with salmon, avocado, cream cheese and asparagus tempura.  Great! If you are looking for a great place with excellent friendly servic...

It's Tragic Video Footage of Drugged Out Chris Kelly hours before death

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pm cst" Diamonds and Gents it is tragic and very much so sad to know that Chris Kelly lost his life prematurely due to drugs.  Well, TMZ has footage of a drugged out Chris hours before his death in, his Atlanta home.  They reported that his mother informed officials that he had been mixing cocaine and heroin that night. Any who, he was working on a track that was talking about died bodies of sort.  And my man couldn't even get the words out he was so high. Really we need to get support for those who can't make career come backs and have such set backs as these in Hollywood.  Because, baby there is only one Iyanla Vanzant just saying.  She can't Fix everybody life. Check out the video here: How can the once successful get help? Much Love Darlings!!! Source : TMZ

I was amongst the $175 Mil. U.S. Weekend Opener 4 Iron Man 3 (REVIEW)

"Catch Living It Up on Saturday at 1:30pmcst" Yes Diamonds and Gents Iron Man 3 was gr8 in my (Tony the Tiger voice).  The special effects, digital effects and plain acting was just awesome.  Well, y'all know it started off with it's same ol' juicy juice goodness.  With Tony Sharks played by Robert Downey Jr. , being his hilarious crazy self.  Of course who is Tony without his Pepper played by Gwyneth Paltrow, honnee let me just say you wore the mess out that sheer dress honnee. Without, giving to much away Tony is suffering from anxiety attacks.  Due to the Avengers.  My man can't sleep a lick.  So he does what he do best work on some of the best weapons known to man.  But his pass catches up to him.  Oh boy when his pass catches up to him it just not some lover scorn.  But, they always some how have to be a genius.  Well, that's all I'll reveal.  If I ...

Who Protects Our Children on Social Media?

"Follow me on TWITTER If this article is not about YOU!" Diamonds and Gents I can't sleep and I am well disturbed.  So I get a kind of admirer so I thought.  Tweet my pic on his profile saying I shine bright like a Diamond.  All I have to say is I begin to look at his profile or she.  Because, when it comes to trolls you don't know. Any who, I seen a pic of a grown A man.  With this little baby girl sticking his penis or attempting in the infant vay-j j.  I can't sleep it made me cry.  That the person who took the pick for the sicko exist.  But, the person retweeting it exist.  Now, I sent it and reported it.  But, I'm in tears because, who police these social media sites.  I am angry that even though I blocked him and delete my personal pic.  It is still on there sick page.  Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram.  All these social media sites.  Please hire a personal t...