H&M CEO Admits to Models being to skinny

"Catch Comedian Leslie Jones 2moro. on Living It Up http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem at 1:30pm cst." You read it right Diamonds and Gents. Recently, CEO Karl-Johan Persson said, "he wants the brand to reflect the diversity of his customer base." He has stated he wants health to be what they choose. So all the full figured women and bloggers came after the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, Mike Jefferies he just flat out said he doesn't want big girls in his clothes. Baby one full figured blogger posed in the companies clothes. To take a stand. But, H&M has even recently hired Beyoncé to stir up the pot. Also, Jennie Runk a curvier model. Good for them health body sizes is always good. He admitted in times past most models were to skinny. They of course ask him about the other CEO Mr. Mike Jeffries stand on it all. Mr. H&M said, I can't speak for him. Only that health is ...