OVERCOMING Performance Anxiety #LivingTheDiamondLife

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By: Ms. Tra` "That Gem"
Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents! I have been seeing a lot of people going through this very thing. Also, I must admit that I myself have had this very issue on a lot of things I face.   Now, when these things come up, I've found ways to overcome it.

Believe it or not FEAR is learned so that means it can be unlearned.  We are only born with certain things that we fear. And even we can overcome fear of darkness and etc. So with that being said we can overcome performance anxiety.

Now, I'm talking to entrepreneurs who deal with this. I know it's link to sexual activity with partner.  Or the negative thoughts of maybe not being able to perform.  But, how many know you can have those same issues when it comes to your business.  Feeling like I should be further along.  Allowing your negative thoughts to get you down.  I'm here to tell you, time out FOR THAT!

Just like theirs, Viagra to push through sexually.  You need a coach, business mentor someone that will help you push through.  Read the right books that will remind you of what made you start said business.  By the way buy my books!  😊 Listen you have to get out of your head sometimes.  PUSH THROUGH! YES YOU!!!! PUSH THROUGH BOO!

A lot, of times if you revisit your original motivations it can help you overcome.  Meaning your vision.  That's why it's very important to write the vision and make it plan.  It's time for you to overcome!  OVERCOMING TAKES ACTION!

Overcome-succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty). 

You were created to solve that problem your business was formed to do.  You will overcome.

Get your head in the game! You shall overcome today! Let's go!

Read that vision out loud.  Sometimes just hearing your business vision again can help you remember you are well occupied and well able.

Speak life over you and your business.  START HIGHLIGHTING YOUR STRENGTHS! Pen point your weakness and partner with the right person with your weaknesses as there strengths. 

Then start to contact your mentor.  They can sometimes give you the swift kick in the butt you need.  Read a book by someone you pray could be your coach or mentor.

And last, push through boo! You got this more then what you know!

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Have Joy, Love and be EMPOWERED!


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