That Gem Enterprises LLC presents Saf’fire Web Series Premiere Party (Date change)

“Get your That Gem Apparel by clicking on the Shop Tab!”

What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! We have been ask to postpone the premiere Party to April 19th same place, same time.  Please be advised!!! If you bought tickets the event is April 19th not March 29th.  Due to a state ordinance by our governor.  We must postpone!  If you have any questions please email

Also, you get tickets from Eventbrite

Catch Saf’fire Cast Today!

"Have Joy, Love and be Empowered!"

That Gem Enterprises LLC is taking all necessary precautions we are staying abreast on the the current COVID-19. Our event is April 5th there will be hand Sanitizer available at all vendors tables and check in tables. Also, Clorox wipes available in the restrooms as well as check in table. Our team is fully aware CDC policy with staying healthy. If anyone of us get sick. We will stay home to prevent the spread of said virus. We have a contingency plan if you become sick.


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