Honey Bye! Oprah gets couch time with Barbara yall

Barbara Walters, u's bad a one. Ya' understand. Only on your show have you gotten everybody to cry. Even the Queen of daytime herself Ms. Oprah Winfrey. You take no prisoners boo boo. Anywho, diving right in. Now Oprah I know you got the daytime syndrome. But, out of everything you could've address of what ppl having been saying over the years. You choose to address you and Gayle. That bothered you the most ppl say y'all gay. Child they don' call Steman gay. H*ll it did't bother you like that. Well, Oprah mad y'all keep calling her and Gayle gay. She said, she is not a lesbian and don't have a little desires no not one for women. What she is really mad about as well yall keep calling me a liar says; Oprah. So to all my diamonds and gents out there. Gayle ain't had a man since this broke out. Gayle just want a man. Ok. So leave it be for a while so the woman can get a date to get a man. Don't forget to check out the radio show Sat. from 3:30pm til 4pm central time. Listen live @http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem or call 424 675 8225. Much Love Darlings!


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