OMG Say it Ain't So BIshop Part 2

Well ,Well Bishop. You are settling with the young men. Now wait. If you didn't do it why settle. Fight! You make ppl like myself question your innocence. Well, for those who are not familiar with whom I Speak and what I speak. BIshop Eddie Long was put up on allegations of sleeping with several young men in his mentor program. 3 to 4 young men came out making these allegations that he munipulated them into having sex. Oh nasty self. YOU NEED JESUS. Well, now we know you not innocent. Because if yoU was eddie wrong you would fight. ITS A SHAME! WELL IF YOU MISS THE RADIO SHOW TODAY CHECK IT OUT ON MUCH LOVE DARLING!!!


  1. Girl I just read your status on Facebook about the it is scam thanks for telling us. You keep us well informed. A man with a Indian accent called talking about he was from microsoft. I'm glad I didn't fall for the oke-doke. Plse write a blog about this.


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