Tyler Perry Google Hangout This Morning for Temptation

"Catch Radio Show Every Saturday on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem at 1:30pmcst"

Yes Diamonds and Gents Mr. Tyler Perry hung out with us on Google this morning.  He answered a few questions and even gave out some much needed advice.  On relationships, friendships and even life lessons.  Of course he talked about the Movie which shall be out tomorrow at your local theaters. 

But, go check it out.  He almost, gave away Judith may or may not get her man back. You
know after, girly cheats.  The character played by Mr. Robbie Jones is laying it on thick honnee.  He trying to get Ms. Judith. By the way played by Mrs. Jurnee Smolett-Bell.

All I have to say as a woman that has been cheated on.  I know that it can be worked out.  But, to gain trust it often takes a while.  Even when trust comes back you find that ugly demon coming back up in your spouse.  It has happened.  So any person going through in there marriage no matter what gets my heart.  Why? I've been there.  It's like finding out your best friend died.  Because, literally your whole world changes.  You have to adjust to life again being divorced or separated.  So to those that are thinking about it I suggest you go see this one.

 I know I will be seeing it and giving an official review right her and Gem Spot TV.

Are you going to see it? If not why not?

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Much Love Darlings!!!


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