Florida Mom Arrested after Fighting Jessica Tyler for assaulting her child......

"Check out Living It Up on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mstra-thatgem Saturday at 1:30pm ct"


Diamonds and Gents Oh yes you read right.  So, apparently the two mothers was at a Florida Elementary school.  Jessica Tyler got up and approach Latisha James to sit down.  Now, keep in mind it is a whole roll of other parents and out of this whole roll she goes to Ms. James to sit down.  Ms. James decided not to sit down.  So Jessica Tyler gets up stands in front of Latisha James.  As Jessica Tyler was walking off she pushes Ms. James 3 year old child down to the ground.

Latisha James goes up to Jessica Tyler and asks her did you just push my child down in 5.2s the fight was on.  Now, the police show up.  Guess who was sent to jail you guessed it Latisha James.  Now, the media has plastered Ms. James name everywhere.  Only one blog has mention the other mother's name.  Well, after the video has shown Ms. James child being knock down.  Jessica Tyler can also, face charges.  Jessica Tyler released a statement saying pushing the child was a accident.

Now, Tyler I sent the video.  Baby you were enraged that was no accident.  You were wrong for pushing that woman's child.

Reports have also, said that Latisha James has loss her job after this incident.

What would you have done? If this was your child getting pushed or assaulted.   Would you have just ignored it? Call the police on Jessica Tyler or Protect your pubs like a lioness?  Let me know down below in the comment section.

Check out these links to see the clip: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/water_cooler/VIDEO-Florida-mom-Latisha-James-arrested-after-brawl-at-elementary-school-talent-show

Much Love Darlings!!!


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