The new meDiamonds and Gents I started my journey two years ago. Got real serious after my health scare in September of 2012. I started by asking what I need to do to boost my metabolism. I talk to nutritionist and doctors about what I took in far as food. Needless to say I started with what I ate first. You know everyone would think that I started because for various selfish reasons. But, I needed it. I've dance and worked out and did nothing but bulk up. So what I found was if I start with nutrition which was most of the battle for me I will look leaner and thinner. So instead of eating one big meal a day I ate 3 meals and 2x a day I would snack. I watch what I put in my mouth. I read labels for the 1st time since running track in high school. Man believe it or not I was a straight health nut. But, at some point I got little to comfortable in my skin, you know. The wake up call was diabetes. Which was crazy because most women in my family battle this disease. I must of been walking around like it could never phase me. My mom did(have diabetes that is) and controlled it with her diet until recently. I know at 50 I don't want to cut off limbs or have a stroke so I'm taking care of me. Because, I only get one body.
Check out my progress:
If you would like to know my regimen. What do and did? Please let me know. Oh yeah you can do it too.
“Get your Living The Diamond Life book click the SHOP!” By: Ms. Trā “That Gem” What’s going on Diamonds and my DiamondStatus Gents!?! Y’all some years back I reported on local actor and artist being arrested for death of his mother. His mother Ms. Yolanda Holmes local salon owner was killed by hired hands by her own son Qaw’mane Wilson aka Young QC. He allegedly hired one of his friends to kill his mother for Insurance policy & money in her bank accounts. And also, his girlfriend to do the ride along. Which he later flaunted around social media. Check out when we first reported it for more details: Eugene Spencer the murder got sentenced to 100 years in jail. They laid out evidence of how he empty bank accounts when she died. Also, how the mother always doted on son. Buying him jewelry, expensive gifts as well as mustang. But, when he called to see if the job was done. The attorney sta...
"I have to cancel today's Christmas Special Radio show but I wil do a Ustream Friday night. So spend Friday night chopping it up with yours truly for 30 mins." Diamonds and Gents wow. Ok so Qawmane Wilson who played in Donte Fain Nick's Story TV Show was arrested Monday for the allegation of murder of his late mother. Also arrested with Qawmane was Eugene Spencer , 22 and Loriana Johnson, 23. These three were involve in the killing of Qawmane's mother. Sept. 2nd Ms. Holmes was murder during an home invasion. She was shot and stabbed several times. Qawmane 24, was charged with first degree murder and home invasion. He cleared her bank account out in the sum total of $90,000 also for her two insurance policies which he was named to be the sole beneficiary. Now, Qawmane was spotted around Chicago giving away money b...
"Click the SHOP tab to get your copy of 'Living the Diamond Life' Today!" By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters What's going on Diamonds and my Diamond Status Gents!?! When I was a little girl, I used to have dreams about the kind of woman I would be. One time, I got a vision that was pretty clear. I was cleaning my awesome apartment, and watering all my plants and herbs. I had a bunch of intriguing tattoos. I was mentally, physically, and spiritually at my peak. And last of all, I had long flowing dreadlocks that seemed to fit me perfectly! For years I waited and experimented with different styles and colors. I tried to take the time to learn the basics of caring for my hair. Last year on June 12th, I finally felt ready and took the leap! I enlisted a friend to start my comb coils for me and they have been growing into mature locs ever since. Here's a look into the first year of my loc journey: Months 1-6 The first six months felt like the lon...
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