My weight loss journey UPDATE!

"Listen to Living It Up this Saturday at 1pm central time on !"
The new meDiamonds and Gents I started my journey two years ago.  Got real serious after my health scare in September of 2012.  I started by asking what I need to do to boost my metabolism.  I talk to nutritionist and doctors about what I took in far as food.  Needless to say I started with what I ate first. You know everyone would think that I started because for various selfish reasons.  But, I needed it.  I've dance and worked out and did nothing but bulk up.  So what I found was if I start with nutrition which was most of the battle for me I will look leaner and thinner.  So instead of eating one big meal a day I ate 3 meals and 2x a day I would snack.  I watch what I put in my mouth.  I read labels for the 1st time since running track in high school. Man believe it or not I was a straight health nut.  But, at some point I got little to comfortable in my skin, you know.  The wake up call was diabetes.  Which was crazy because most women in my family battle this disease.  I must of been walking around like it could never phase me.  My mom did(have diabetes that is) and controlled it with her diet until recently.  I know at 50 I don't want to cut off limbs or have a stroke so I'm taking care of me.  Because, I only get one body.
Check out my progress:  
If you would like to know my regimen.  What do and did?  Please let me know.  Oh yeah you can do it too.
Have Joy, Love and be EMPOWERED!


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