Are We Expendable? #KeenkaJenkins
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What's going on Diamonds and Gents? I mean in my Marvin Gaye voice "what's going on?" We have been trying to get the media to care for us. From campaigns like finding our daughters. To the black and brown women and young girls coming up missing. Really coming up missing with little to no media coverage. It is getting so ridiculous to the point this new case of the young lady walking in to a hotel and leaving in a body bag. No one caring until she was found in a freezer in Rosemont, IL. In my own city.
Ms. Keenka Jenkins a young lady goes out with friends only to be found in a freezer. Now, the hotel won't release footage to the family, and so far we are as the public begging for justice. We have gotten to the point of seeing this harsh reality. And really having to cope with it, as if this is normalcy. Leaving us to wonder do we really matter. I am furious and outraged at how the public is treating the death of this young lady. Some are creating groups as to make her death a skeptical.
So Diamonds what can we do, to really bring us to the forefront. Make so the black girl matters. The brown girl to matter. #BlackGirlMagic is making efforts. # BeautyIs movement is getting play here. But what more can we do to get the media to care. To get social media to live more. To show more compassion to the fact that, a young girl was found murdered and we want justice.
Are We Expendable? Did Get Out have it right? Are we so caught up in whom they make our leaders instead of really following those who care. Those like David Banner, Louis Farrakhan and so many with the right voice.
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Have Joy, Love and be EMPOWERED!
What's going on Diamonds and Gents? I mean in my Marvin Gaye voice "what's going on?" We have been trying to get the media to care for us. From campaigns like finding our daughters. To the black and brown women and young girls coming up missing. Really coming up missing with little to no media coverage. It is getting so ridiculous to the point this new case of the young lady walking in to a hotel and leaving in a body bag. No one caring until she was found in a freezer in Rosemont, IL. In my own city.

So Diamonds what can we do, to really bring us to the forefront. Make so the black girl matters. The brown girl to matter. #BlackGirlMagic is making efforts. # BeautyIs movement is getting play here. But what more can we do to get the media to care. To get social media to live more. To show more compassion to the fact that, a young girl was found murdered and we want justice.
Are We Expendable? Did Get Out have it right? Are we so caught up in whom they make our leaders instead of really following those who care. Those like David Banner, Louis Farrakhan and so many with the right voice.
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Have Joy, Love and be EMPOWERED!
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