The Internet Drags Gayle King For Talking Kobe's Dirt!

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By: Nakiya "K Gold." Walters

What's up my Diamonds and Diamond Status Gents! First it was Oprah f**king with black man progress according to social media. But, now it’s sweet ole Gayle King.

So it looks like for many, Gayle King has gone from a friend and fave, to a straight FOE! In her recent interview with WNBA star Lisa Leslie, Ms. King covered the legacy and impact of Kobe Bryant.

At one point she asks Lisa about how she thinks his old sexual harassment allegations from 2004 complicate her feelings about Kobe. Lisa said that those things don't effect her because she never knew Kobe as that man. She also asked if it's fair that people want to discuss it considering his death, or if it's just now a part of his history.

Lisa responded by saying that the media should be more respectful in his death. She added that they had many chances to ask Kobe about the allegations, and it should be left alone since it did go to trial.

Wellllllll in true Gayle King fashion, she followed up with a truthful, but controversial response that many think sealed her own coffin: "Well the case was dismissed because the victim refused to testify." Lisa quickly followed with, "And I think that how we should leave it." DISMISSED BIH, that's how we leave it!

Now, although she didn't probe any further and the rest of the interview was peachy, the damage had already been done. Folks on social media and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and Boosie feel that its disrespectful to bring it up and further hurt his grieving friends and family. I think they have a valid point: Let sleeping dogs lie! This wasn't still a huge topic of discussion before he died, and unless I'm mistaken there aren't any victims crying out. In this instance maybe it would best to leave it alone and let him rest.

But perhaps people should consider this: it was a topic of discussion. To keep it a buck, I don't think we should be angry with Gayle. The information, the thoughts and feelings regarding his old case were already out there. Maybe it is BAD timing, but I personally think King asked the right questions to the right woman. Lisa Leslie defended Bryant well and didn't miss a beat. And based on the limited clips being released, I cant say that King was as harsh as people made it seem. After all, it is her job to ask questions and uncover the truth in the most unbiased way. 

But that's just me. What do you think- was Gayle wrong in asking about these allegations? Like she said- is it even fair to bring it up after death?

Let us know in the comment section. Y’all know Ms. Trā “That Gem “ don’t agree with me 🤣. Catch her opinion tonight live at 5:30p on GemSpotTV hit the tab above.

Have Joy, Love and be Empowered!


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